hip replacement
Hip Replacement Surgery – Day 8: The Lazy Way
I didn’t have the energy to write. AGAIN. So I spoke the message. You have to click the link. Not the photo. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3005444692851296&id=100001573834848
Hip Replacement Surgery – Day 2: Crash and BURN
That’s me. In the passenger seat. On the way home from the hospital. I’m not a good passenger. Notice: Treating the cross trainers, untied, like loafers. Left hip needs to be higher than the knee. Not supposed to pigeon toe (if you notice, looks like I might have been doing that; oops). Towels on the […]
Hip Replacement Surgery: Day 1
That was FAST. From entering the operating room to Dr. Bashyal speaking with my wife in the waiting room, less than an hour. I’m sore. Plenty of dizziness throughout the day. Some flashes of significant pain. But modern pharmacology is THE BOMB! (Does that phrase date me?) I had some things going for me. Good […]
Biting Off More Than I Can Chew
I fell asleep on the couch last night. Attempting to finish the follow up piece to my “Confession” post. It was a long, hectic day. Last day for appointments ahead of surgery. Had to stop at the surgeon’s office. Over to Mom’s and Dad’s to water the orchids (more on that later). Got some writing […]
I Have a Confession to Make
photo credit: hernanpba Redención / Redemption via photopin (license) I haven’t exercised regularly in more than a year. Rather embarrassing for a personal trainer to admit, huh? Oh, there’s a pretty good reason. But it’s also a pretty dumb reason. You see, I’m headed for surgery. Now, that could be a pretty good reason for not exercising in the short term. Depending on […]